Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Ride for the Week

This is going to be my ride for the week. Not too shabby, eh? Albiet there are no power windows, power locks, or sun roof, the engine is surprisingly powerful. It's a good substitute rice rocket.

In our family, the oldest gets the newest car, and the younger ones inherit the older models. I want to say there is logic behind this...older siblings drive longer - i.e. more experience. But no. We still run our family like a caste system. You were born last, sucks to be you. I'm ok with this system...can't blame me, I was born first!

However, I have not taken the last 2 cars offered to me. One was a blue Matrix [I like red] and the other is a Silver Honda Civic Hybrid [I still like red]. My younger bros are enjoying the fruits of my devoted love to my red rice rocket, but now that I'm tentatively researching this Mazda 3, oldest sister just may take THIS one.


  1. A car without power locks or windows? Do they still make those???

  2. haha that's what I said. takes me back to high school.

  3. Might not be that bad of a deal for the younger ones, U pay for it full price, middle one gets it from you cheap, and the youngest ones gets it for super cheap.

    BTW, get a RAV4!

  4. no one buys from each other in our fam. we take. haha

    We compared the RAV4 and CRV, and the CRV beats it out this year as car of the year so mum has decided it will be the final car for the youngest.

  5. But you can't get the CRV with a V6!!! 269hp baby!

  6. u dont give the older ones 4 cylinders and the younger a 6. It's just not right.

  7. Wait, i thought you're getting the new car and they are inheriting your red matrix?


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