Friday, August 28, 2009

Side by Side features

I'm super lazy when it comes to Blogger features. I like things to appear large, side by side, and all on one page. I've been looking at blogs that have the side by side feature, and I really like them, but my template doesn't have the space for 2 large photos to be next to each other. However, I did figure out how to put 2 SMALL photos next to each other without uploading the pics to Picasa or wherever else. This is my little reminder on how to do this:

  1. Upload the pics normally in Blogger, with the size you normally load with. [Mine is usually 1200 x 900 for nice resolution on clickable images]
  2. Under the Choose a Layout on the picture upload page, click on NONE.
  3. The images will appear as they usually do on Compose.
  4. Move the image from the bottom to the side.
  5. Click on each image to Select, and then resize down until both images show up when you Publish. [Mine tends to be quite small] but when you click on the image, it appears in the normal uploaded size.

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